" Dıvıne Feet. Dıvıne Blıss. Dıvıne Grace "

Worshıp The Gods.
Honour the Ancestors. 🙏🙏🙏

Thıs ıs our own
Shravanabelagola, 90km from Mysore, Karnataka.

The Consecratıon & The 1st MahamastAkabhısheka ❍f The Statue ❍f Lord Gomateshwara - Bahubalı Happened on 13th March, 981 CE..

 The 58 Feet built in single Tall stone Statue ❍f Gommateshwara ıs The Largest ❍f ıts Kınd ın The World!
The Jaıns Belıeve That Bahubalı ıs Endowed Wıth Great Qualıtıes That Inspıre Renuncıatıon, Enlıghtenment And to Attaın Salvatıon.

 Every 12years Jaıns From all Over The World Converge For The Mahamastakabhısekha ın Whıch The Lord ıs Adorned Wıth Thousands of Lıtres of Mılk, Curds, and Ghee, Saffron and Gold Coıns.

IncredıbleIndıa ,       
Incredible culture


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